9 Easy Ways to reduce use of plastic in our daily life

* Reading Time: 3 minutes

We all are aware of the bad effects of using plastic in our daily life. Not only on the human body, but it is also very harmful for our environment. Some things which need our attention –
->Cattle are dying due to eating plastic we throw in the garbage.
->Soil fertility is getting low due to plastic.
->The decomposition of plastic bags takes about 400 years or more.
So what can we do to stop side effects of plastic in our daily life.
  1. Carry Paper/Cloth Bagwp-1517331497447..jpgEvery time you go for shopping keep a reusable bag with you. Local market shopkeeper always gives you vegetables in plastic bags. In such places use your bag instead of collecting those Poly bags. This small change in your lifestyle will make a big difference in the environment.
  2. Buy Glossary in bulk
    wp-1517331512179.jpgInstead of buying household products daily try to buy them in bulk. This will reduce plastic waste in your bin.
  3. Use reusable containers.
    wp-1517331524048..jpgThis is a good habit , in fact these are easy to clean and manage.
  4. Avoid use of straws
    wp-1517331535532..jpgMake a healthy habit if drinking with glass or bottle. Avoid using straws for each and every drink you take throughout the day.
  5. Carry your own mug and containers while travelling
    wp-1517331545681..jpgTraveling with your mugs and glasses offers a good hygiene to you while traveling. Dirty water or water vessel is one of the major causes of horrible problems like dehydration.
  6. Avoid using plastic bottle beverages
    wp-1517331556704..jpgEach time you drink a coke or cold coffee outside you produce a waste container. Try to avoid such beverages outside. You can buy a big bottle for your home and carry these drinks with you in small bottles while travelling.
  7. Carry eatables in stainless containersEasy to use and helps you to maintain hygiene too.
  8. Manage your garbage properlywp-1517331574127..jpgYou can keep separate bin for different type of garbage.
  9. Reuse things rather than buying new
    Every time you go to market, do some homework first. Clean your cabinets and list down all the things which are really essential for your home. Reuse old items rather than buy new things and producing more and more garbage.

These are the few suggestions, try these and comment if you have any new idea. It really makes a difference if you start thinking about the environment of your home. Change yourself and world will start changing.

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