7 Improved and proven ways of decision making

* Reading Time: 3 minutes

decide7Aman was in class 10th when a small decision changed his life forever. He was dearest son of his parents. His dad scolded him for not taking his studies seriously during exam time. Here I would like to mention that Indian parents are very much concern about marks obtained in board exams. They believe it will decide their life. Aman started taking drugs and his studies were totally stopped within 6 months.
You are flowing with life or life make you flowing with it. In both way something that governs the way is your decisions. It matters a lot because if a wrong decision taken at the right time it can destroy your life. Few proven techniques which will help you to take decisions.

  1. Who will get benefit from your decision
    Always take care of people who will get benefit from your smart decision. How other’s life will get affected from your decision? If more than 1 people get affected then be careful taking such decisions.
  2. Forget emotion
    If you are dealing any emotional trouble with someone, then it’s better to postpone your decision making process. Firstly, give your brain some time to overcome such situation, then take a fair decision.
  3. Compare smartly
    “Should I leave this job?” or “Should I do more studies?” Everyone of us deal with such situations, try to compare every aspect before such decisions in life.
  4. Critically analyze every available option
    Most of the times we all have multiple choices. In such situations, I write down consequences of every decision. It helps me to make a rough graph for selecting what will be more beneficial for me. Then I decide things.
  5. Stay away from social pressure
    Never take decision in any pressure, because if its consequences will be good, others will take the credit and if wrong then you will be blamed every time. So stay away from people who give a diplomatic view or urge you to do what they want.
  6. Discuss with someone you admire
    I always prefer to discuss my views with my dad and husband before taking any decision. So, always suggests others also to discuss with someone you admire, if you are unable to take a fair decision.
  7. Don’t ignore the consequences completely
    Always ready to take a complete responsibility for the consequences of your decision. Be smart and honest, both at the same time for your decisions.

Never forget these important things while taking any decision. Life becomes easier and simple if you take the right decision at the right time.
Share your awesome tricks to take a right decision.
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