After lots of research team widevisions is here with a few tried and tested hacks that will cost less and are environment friendly too.
Buy refill packs rather than jars
Refill packs produce less waste and costs less too than jars and bottles. Fill empty jars with new refill packs and enjoy the same stuff as before.
Best 9 seasonal jobs to make you earn good cash during this festive time
Carry your own bags
Most environment friendly hack.
Shop in daylight
I know most of us spend our daytime at our workplace and manage to shop only on weekends. Shopping in daylight has its own benefits like-
* Less lightings required in showrooms in daytime
* You can escape huge traffic jams
* Better visibility of colors Shopping Online: 7 Important things to remember -
Buy in bulk
According to your requirement you can divide the items you need frequently. Buying such products in bulk helps you save money as well as the less packing waste remains.
Avoid huge or multiple plastic packing
Already packed stuff like clothes and eatables don’t require another wrap. So avoid packing such packed stuff with plastic or paper for producing less waste.
Use paper wraps than plastic wraps as much as possible
Wet stuff requires plastic wraps and packing, but we can use paper packing for everything else.
Reuse empty boxes and bottles
Empty tin boxes can be used in the kitchen garden for growing seasonal plants and vegetables. Same with plastic bottles, you can reuse them in many ways like I have done.
These were some awesome hacks you can try, also tell us about your environment and pocket friendly shopping ideas.
Step by step guide to change any of your habit instantly
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