Time Is Running Out! Think About 16 things you can try these VACATIONS

* Reading Time: 4 minutes

Finally exams are over!
School is closed and not in a mood to study more books.
It’s the time to develop new extraordinary skills.

Millions of students from all the world got stuck at this stage. In fact, when I gave my board exams many people gave me plenty of suggestions. Like learn painting, stitching, knitting, typing, swimming. Blah Blah.
I was really confused what to do. Most of my friends including me, were interested in courses which should be beneficial for my future and my career both.

Everyone  is having different future plans. Every student wants to follow their own interests and passion.

Here we go with some things you can try right now.

  1. First decide, What you want to do in life?
    We get inspired from a lot of people throughout our life. From all these people we choose someone our idol and want to be like that person in our life. So before thinking about what to do in the vacations, think what you want to be. It will help you to plan your career as well as you will get some clarity about what to learn.
  2. Creativity always helps
    A creative person never gets bored in life, it’s my experience. In fact, in the school days you can perform well in the extra curricular activities if you are a creative person. Get enrolled and learn something like photography, painting, or learn to draw sketch.
  3. Read some inspirational bookhttps://amzn.to/2v6Q11J

    What else could make a strong  base for your future. I remember how a book “You can win” changed my view towards failure. Choose any from the list  and read it online or offline. What happens if you read paper book rather than Pdf?

  4. Join any of your favorite sports

    It will give you a better health and wealth too, if you want to choose your favorite sport as your career.

  5. Learn new languages

    Nowadays learning any new language is very easy. You can enroll online or offline classes according to your convenience and start learning.

  6. Improve your communication skills

    I don’t know any profession where communication skills don’t matter. Good communication is not required for talking to clients it also include talking to your colleagues and bosses. Enhance your vocabulary and learn techniques to use different words with almost the same meaning. For example, how see and look are used in sentences?

  7. Learn singing, dancing, cooking, stitching or acting

    With the increase of YouTube users you can utilize any of these skills and earn a few bucks anytime anywhere.

  8. Don’t spend all your vacation watching Netflix and prime videos
    Free internet can be used in many ways. Utilize your time for your grooming, although entertainment is necessary, but wastage of time will never benefit you.
  9. Programming and coding
    If you love to do experiments, then this is best for you. Learn any coding language and do different things with coding.
  10. Study your favorite subject
    If you want to do research work in your favorite subject in the future, understand it deeply.
  11. Voice over
    Many short term courses are available in the market. You can earn money as well with this skill without any qualification. All you need is a wonderful and different voice.
  12. Martial arts/ Tyquando/Swimming
    Self defense is an essential part of education nowadays.
  13. Exercise/Zumba
    We don’t get enough time to exercise daily. Utilize vacation time.
  14. Learn any instrument

    Guitar, Flute, Shehnai, Tabla, Pakhawaj, Harmonium, Dhlak, Sarod and  many more in the list. What else can relax your mood better than a soothing music?
  15. Plant some trees
    Think about the environment and plant some trees in your locality, ask your friends to do the same.
  16. Give some time for social work

    Visit any orphanage or old age home. Understand the bitter side of life. Feel the pain people go through when their blood relations leave them alone.

This was a small list, the world is full of adventures and hopes.
You can try more than 2 from the above list at a time if you plan your day effectively. Time management: Not a BIG deal 10 ways to be a Smart worker

Learn something that helps you throughout your life. Learn what you love to learn, hobbies that give us pleasure remains with us forever. If you still didn’t find anything suitable for you, talk to your friends and family.

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