10 Super habits to stay fit without exercising regularly

* Reading Time: 2 minutes


We all have very busy schedules in our daily life due to jobs or personal responsibilities. Here we have discussed a few points which will help you to stay fit without exercising regularly.

  1. Deep breath
    Breathing is such an important thing in our life but we are extremely busy in our work that we never care about how we inhale and exhale OXYGEN(I think it is precious than anything else) inside our body. So from now onwards take care of your breathing. If you want to stay fit for a long time take deep breathe especially if you are not in so much pollution.
  2. Think positive
    Always try to think positively. Positive thoughts make you live longer and younger. You can get some ideas here to stay positive.
  3. Drink plenty of water
    According to your age and type of work you do whole day drink plenty of water, it helps to improve your digestion and immune system.
  4. Cleaning a best practice
    Don’t depend on others for cleaning your room. Dusting and mopping is very much similar to the exercises we do in the gym. Decorating your room according to your own will also boost your mood.
  5. Sit straight
    My Dad always suggest me to sit straight. He was not in the military but always want a disciplined environment at our home. Sitting straight was also a part of it. I have tried it and it helps. You look more attentive either you are in class or the office.
  6. Take short walk
    Don’t lose a chance to take a short walk with your dear ones it will improve your health as well as your relationship also.
  7. Use stairs
    We all know very well so I am not writing about this just want to make you remember about this :).
  8. Early to bed and early to rise
    If you don’t get time for exercise regularly at least try to wake up early in the morning and sleep early at night. You can manage your tasks in a great way if you wake up early in the morning.
  9. Dance once in a week
    Listen to your favorite music and try some dance steps. Dance has a wide range of physical, and mental benefits including improved condition of your heart and lungs, etc.
  10. Walk barefooted
    Walk-in a little faster than your usual speed barefooted on grass or floor if you don’t have time to go to the garden.

    Try the above points and make your life more happier. Let us know about your experience or any improvement required in the above post.


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