9 Proven ways to boost your mood instantly

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I know it’s not easy to deal with day-to-day stress without degrading your performance. C’mon guys it’s not so tough to make your brain work smarter all the time, you just need to train your brain. Remember below few things in life and stay cool every minute.

  • You are not the only person who dealt with stress in life.
  • You can control each and every thought disturbing your brain.
  • Your brain could be your best friend if you train it properly.

So hope these few things are easy to remember. Now do below few things to instantly boost your mood in bad situations.Less Expectations Less Stress: 5 powerful ways to deal with people without getting hurt

  1. Help Someone
    Oh! I forgot you are not in such a mood. But I insist you should try helping someone, when you are in a bad mood. After helping someone else you will start feeling better instantly. Just try it.
  2. Clothing
    Source/ pexels.com

    This is tried and tested way. I wear my favorite attire or something different when I feel depressed or bored of my daily routine job.4 Most Adverse effects of climate change in our life

  3. Cook/ Eat your Favorite food
    I learned this from my brother-in-law. I used to eat my favourite food when I feel too low. Eat something which you like most. If possible, try to cook it yourself if you enjoy cooking.9 Worth-It features of SMS Organizer you can use to Stand out
  4. Chat with a best friend
    If you are lucky enough, you must have some good friends. Then call them and have a chit-chat with them. My personal experience says that it boosts your mood instantly.11 Easy life hack to improve your concentration in studies
  5. Nice reading
    Read a few lines from any blog or book which you understand well. Try reading any spiritual book, they really help.8 Superb techniques to SECURE your social networking account from hackers
  6. Chocolate/coffee
    These are easily available things nowadays. Have some bites from your favorite chocolate without thinking about calories and feel the difference.5 morning habits to help you become Rich
  7. Walk
    weightloss1Take a short walk not in any mall or shopping store. Walk in any garden and listen your favorite music.7 Proven facts that shows work from home does not work
  8. Comedy show
    This one works for me always. I have a kid and if it’s not possible to try above things instantly, I prefer to watch any comedy show and Whoa! It works for me.
  9. Meditation
    When you actually feel bad, try to sit back and close your eyes. Just stay calm and monitor your brain like you watch your baby silently when they behave too naughty. You will start feeling better after a few minutes.
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Hope you all can correlate to above few hacks. Try it and share your experiences in the comment box.
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