You are living alone for past few years, far from family, maybe you are strong person but not sure. You are earning good amount of money, but not sure how strong you are. So friends after analyzing things, I believe it’s not necessary that we are stronger if we have money or power. So what are the qualities a person should have to be stronger? A person with a strong soul can win the world easily. What you portray? Write down in the comment box and share this post with your friends and family.
After reading about many people team Widevisions is here with some interesting signs that portray you a stronger person from inside.You don’t wait for complements
You don’t care about bad words
You help others selflessly
You never cross your limit
You don’t cry in front of everyone
You have a huge patience
You have courage to walk alone
You don’t do anything without thinking
You don’t torture anyone
You work according to your own principals
You accept your weaknesses
You don’t bully anyone to prove yourself smarter
You don’t think about only your benefit all the time
No one can misguide you
You don’t break your own rules
You don’t run behind others blindly
You don’t change your plans very frequently
You don’t blame others for failures
Nice lines.
I may agree to rest but I surely do not agree with “You don’t cry in front of everyone”. Crying is an internal strong emotion. if you are not able to express one of your most strong emotion of either Happiness or Sadness or distress How one can be a storing person. At the same time crying is also a response of very sensitive person and if a person is not sensitive rest few other things like – You help others selflessly, You never cross your limit, You have a huge patience, You don’t torture anyone etc cant be part of us.
Yes! Crying is a way of showing emotions, but crying in front of everyone will never portray you a strong person. You can have selected friends who will understand your emotions and help you as well.
I may agree to rest but I do not agree with You do not cry in Public. As crying is one of the most strongest depiction of inner emotion and feelings. A person who cannot show or express her emotion in my opinion is not a strong person. Now if we take just crying it also shows you are sensitive and if one cannot show sensitivity can be few more things mentioned above like – Not torturing others, helping others selflessly, having patience etc. However Sociologists have concluded in may articles that asking not cry is one of the characters proposed by society especially in terms of Male, as males cant be equal to female because crying in society is known as part of weakness and comparatively Females are considered week so a male should not cry and if a women had to e strong should not cry. Conclusion crying as a sign of weakness is a wrong interpretation and stereotyping. 🙂
Here “In front of everyone” is important not “Crying”