6 Things that proved to be most beneficial for me to get up early in the morning

* Reading Time: 3 minutes

Things change in life and so you changes your habits also. Same happened with me.
morning5Although my parents, teacher everyone told me from very childhood that waking up early gives you extra time for your daily activities, but for me waking up early without any reason was never a favorite thing in this world.
I always preferred to do my study late night or till early morning. I love night’s silence, perfect for studies. Even I used to tell everyone else about the benefits of doing their important assignments at night.
But something really changed me and made me a morning person. That was my kid’s school. His early school timings really force me to wake up early in the morning.
Being a parent, you have lots of things to do and think. Waking up just 1 hour before his school opening timing was not working as kids take too much time for getting prepared for the day.
So, I made certain changes in my routine, and It really worked for me.

  1. Stopped thinking about total sleeping hours
    I remember once I searched about how much sleep is required for an adult, it showed 7-9 hours. After that, anytime if I want to get up early my brain says to my body “Don’t get up 7 hours not completed yet.” So smart NO? Now I ditch my brain every day. If it says “not completed” then I say “complete it in the night then, it’s morning”.
  2. Window without a curtain on
    I opted to switch off night bulbs and sliding curtains off my windows so that outer light can come inside the room at night. Now when the morning light knocks my face, then I get up early.
  3. Drinking excess water at midnight
    We all notice the we woke up once in the night, so I keep a water bottle beside my pillow. Whenever I find myself waking up I drink water. 
  4. Thought about the benefits I was getting
    This is most important because my brain always asks me about the benefits and logic. I appreciate it, so I made a list of benefits I was getting after, being a morning person.
    Like I was able to perform my tasks on time without running here and there. I was eating my breakfast on time.
  5. Less stress
    Nobody can tell me “You are late” now. Who doesn’t like staying relaxed always?
  6. See a dream of “getting up early in the morning ” every night
    My granny used to say, we see dreams related to things we think just before sleeping in the night. So I started thinking of getting up early in the morning. It worked.

These few things drastically changed my morning habit and I suggest everyone to think about the thing that sparks you for getting up early in the morning. It is never so tough to change our habits if we decide once in life. So be prepare and change your life the way you want.
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