Boost your self confidence in less than a minute

* Reading Time: 4 minutes

Do you want to boost your self confidence in a few seconds? Yes, you can but first you should know why this is so important in life.
Self-confidence is very essential in every stage of a successful life. I have never seen a successful person with lack of confidence. In fact, many people with huge confidence increase the chances of their success. Not only during the interview, but confidence is also required in every phase of life.

  1. Read, Read and Read loudly.

    Reading not only increase your knowledge, but also boost your vocabulary. Read in such a way that you are easily audible. People speaking below a certain volume seem less confident and people speaking too loudly seems overconfident. So, speaking loudly and sweetly, both at the same time can be achieved easily. Whatever you love to read, try to read it bit loud and clear. 
  2. Do what makes you happy

    Happiness is not about money, it’s about our likes and dislikes. So always select all those tasks which make you happy. 
  3. Good posture

    Sitting straight portray you more confident. So sit with your back straight and talk with a positive eye contact. Don’t stare at the person sitting next to you. 
  4. Face mirror

    Talk to yourself with an eye contact with yourself. You are the best person in this world who knows you. So first perform in front of you, it will be easy to figure out your weaknesses.7 Proven facts that shows work from home does not work
  5. Learn soft skills.

    There is not limit of learning new things in life. Always utilize your extra time and money in learning new things. It makes you more confident. Think twice if you are “ADMIN” on a group: 8 Rules for a social networking group admin
  6. Be positive always

    Thinking positive in life helps you deal with failures effectively. So spend your day with all those positive thoughts which you can incorporate in your mind. “A friend in need is a friend indeed”-11 ways to help a grieving friend
  7. Wear what suits you

    Attire plays a very important role in our personality. My experience says, if you are wearing your favorite attire or dress in which you are comfortable then you will feel more confident. Top 9 ways to be the welcomed guest always
  8. Deep breath and exhale all negativity

    Deep breathing helps you to inhale more oxygen to flow towards your brain. A healthy brain lies behind every small and big winning. So whenever you feel low in life, just inhale deeply and exhale all negative thoughts from your mind. 5 morning habits to help you become Rich

These are a few things based on my knowledge and experience. Share this post with your friends and family. 
Comment what is your secret mantra to boost self confidence in life.
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